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Political Science and Anthropology
Riley Millburne
*2023 Service Spotlight* At Holy Cross, Riley has enjoyed taking experiential learning classes, including one that involved working with a women’s shelter that serves previously incarcerated people as they re-enter society. Riley described this experience as enriching and meaningful in ways that a strictly in-classroom experience could not have been. In addition to taking advantage of service-learning opportunities, Riley keeps busy working 3 different jobs on-campus and planning fundraisers for the Wounded Warrior Project. She is passionate about mental health advocacy, especially for public servants and their families. Riley also completed a “Washington Semester,” where she participated in a public politics seminar, wrote a thesis about lobbyists’ roles in policymaking, and interned for a government relations firm. Riley reports that her “newfound real-world insight and professionalism will guide me through my senior year, as I now am able to see a tangible, bright future ahead.”