
A scholarship for permanent residents of New England states, with financial need, who display academic achievement, a commitment to serving others, a strong work ethic and leadership qualities.


Applicants must be:
  • An entering or returning student at an accredited undergraduate institution in the United States and must be enrolled full-time (at least 12 hours).
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s degree (BA, BS, BFA, BSN for example) for the first time. Students in one-year or two-year certificate or associate’s degree programs do not qualify. Students in five-plus year programs ending in a master’s degree or beyond may apply for the first four (undergraduate) years of their programs.
  • A United States citizen or noncitizen who has a current lawful presence in the United States and employment authorization.
  • A permanent resident of a New England state: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont.

Academic Achievement

Applicants should:
  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • Be enrolled in a demanding course of study
  • Demonstrate skilled writing

Financial Need

Qualifying applicants will demonstrate the following:
  • A SAI (Student Aid Index) from the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) that is 13,000 or less (contact if your SAI is greater than 13,000 but you believe there are extenuating financial circumstances)
  • Financial unmet need of $7,000 or more at the college of their choice as determined by the Financial Eligibility Calculator
  • A low to moderate parent Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
It may help to know that, in 2024, 85% of newly awarded students had federal SAIs of less than 6,000, and 86% had family AGIs of $85,000 or less.

Citizenship, Character and Serious-Mindedness

Strong applicants would:
  • Demonstrate a desire to make a meaningful contribution to society both present and future
  • Be involved in a balance of community, school and work activities
  • Pursue goals and aspirations with integrity, resolution, self-discipline and judgment
  • Work part time


Visit our complete Frequently Asked Questions section to find your answers, or to submit your own question.
The Foundation, in making grants, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, ethnicity, or any other characteristic protected by law. Directors, employees and volunteers (current or former) of the Stephen Phillips Memorial Scholarship Fund, or any member of the family of any such directors, employees and volunteers are ineligible to receive grants from the Foundation.

Explore Your

Financial Eligibility

Learn about the qualifications necessary for financial eligibility.