Financial Eligibility Calculator

Use our calculator to determine your Phillips eligibility.

Please use your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) and the award letter from the college you will be attending to complete the Financial Eligibility Calculator. (If you are in college, use this current year’s financial aid award information.) Be sure to “tab” through all fields as you enter the numbers, including the final field, to see the Phillips Eligibility, which must be $7,000 or more to qualify. In addition, an applicant’s SAI must be 13,000 or less. Please be aware that financial eligibility is only one component of our decision-making. Please read the criteria to apply to learn more.

How to Calculate Your Cost of College

Use only one of the three boxes below to calculate the cost of college depending on the specific cost information you have available. Use the total Cost of College figure both in the Financial Eligibility Calculator, above, and in the “2024-2025 Cost of College” field on the application itself.

  1. View our Cost of College List to see if your college’s costs are listed. If you find your college’s costs, enter that information in Box A, then write the TOTAL Cost of College on the Financial Eligibility Calculator’s first line and in the application’s field, “2024-2025 Cost of College.”

  2. If your college is not on our list but you have the 2024-2025 costs from the internet or your award letter, use that information in box, B. Write the TOTAL Cost of College on the Financial Eligibility Calculator’s first line and in the application’s field, “2024-2025 Cost of College.”

  3. If your college is not on our list and you only have 2023-2024 costs, use box, C. The cost will be adjusted to approximate the increase for 2024-2025. Write the TOTAL Adjusted Cost of College on the Financial Eligibility Calculator’s first line and in the application’s field, “2024-2025 Cost of College.”

  4. Please do not use commas when entering your costs.

* Use only fees for student activities, health services (not insurance), and technology expense.

** If you are commuting from home, do not include the room and board expense. Instead, write $4500 in that blank, which is the allowance for commuter expenses. If you are living off campus but not at home, use the college’s room and board expense.

NOTE: Please “tab” to each field, including the TOTAL Cost of College field, to see the final figure.

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